Our Blog
Today’s digital world requires both forward thinking, finger on the pulse thought leadership, as well as grounded lessons learned from the past. Read our blog to learn more about the Precision Reach perspective.How to Create Programmatic Audio Ads
Audio content is in a moment of exciting growth. In 2021, 65.3% of Americans (218.6M) are listening to digital audio monthly, and that number is expected to grow. As the adoption of audio...
How Did Programmatic Advertising Shape Up in 2020?
Before the pandemic, we talked about how data-driven programmatic advertising was on the rise, and we had the data to back it up. Now, we’re going to take a look at how things changed in 2020, and what that means for the future.
Charting A New Course Without Cookies: What is Google’s Plan? What’s Your Plan?
With Google’s plan to eliminate third-party cookie tracking by end of this year, it’s time to begin altering advertising strategies to prepare for what’s next. Last week, Google took their...
How to Optimize for High Landing Page Conversion Rates
Having a stellar digital ad is critical for programmatic advertising. You want the ad to be eye-catching, engaging and drive the user to complete a desired action. But to really reap the benefits of...
Using UTM Codes with Google Analytics
As a marketer, you know that your marketing is driving traffic to your websites, but do you have the hard data to prove it? UTM codes help you track the performance of each of those links so you can see where your traffic is coming from.
What is Programmatic Native Advertising?
Native advertising is paid advertising where the ad matches the form, feel and function of the content of the media on which it appears