Today’s digital world requires both forward thinking, finger on the pulse thought leadership as well as grounded lessons learned from the past.
Read our Precision Reach first 5 (of 10) tips for executing a successful programmatic advertising campaign.
- Audience data –the key to reaching only qualified prospects is using definitive, dimension rich, continually updated first party data. Minimizing or eliminating wasted impressions is essential to a high performing ROI campaign. With the demise of desktop cookies, the use of 1P data will be even more important going forward.
- Select media tactics in alignment with your campaign objective. For example, if you want engagement with your thought leadership content, Native display is a great choice. The power of programmatic can be turbo charged as it enables an integrated marketing approach. Our research shows that serving display ads to an individual who has seen your CTV or Video ad results in more clicks! Why not reach those users with a combination of tactics so you have a higher likelihood of reaching them at the right time?
- Utilize best-in-class demand side platforms (DSPs) for optimal outcome based on media tactic and objective. We know that there is not a best DSP for all media tactics. The best DSP for Connected TV is not the best for Native. The same is true for digital audio and pre-roll video. Make sure your media tactic is running on the best-in-class DSP for that tactic.
- Creative matters (part 1) – Test, Test, Test. Programmatic makes testing creative simple and inexpensive, so try a variety of creative. Test different messages, colors, fonts, headlines, calls-to-action, even change the offer! With nearly instant feedback, programmatic allows us to optimize the campaign to emphasize the creative that elicits the best response from the target audience.
- Creative matters (part 2) – Personalize where possible . Over and over the best performing creative is that which has been personalized to the audience. In a recent example, a seed company made animated banners that were state specific. We then ran each state’s creative only to qualified grower prospects found in that state.
Click here for a free download of all 10 tips for programmatic success
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